Wed. Jan 29th, 2025 1:20:00 PM

I walked down to the corner store earlier; well it’s not really a corner store as it sits in the middle of the block, but I’ll assume most will know what I’m talking about. The store is one of the those small overpriced neighborhood convenience stores. Anyways, I walked down to the store to buy a pack of cigarettes (I know I know, I’m trying to quit) and as I walked out of the store, I noticed sitting next to the new ATM machine was a, well, for lack of a better term, a Bitcoin ATM.

I walked up to this Bitcoin ATM just to check it out and pushed the get started button and the first thing it asks me for is a my cell phone number. I can live with that. So after I entered my cell number, the ‘machine’ proceeded to send me a ‘secret’ code to my phone which I needed to enter back into the Bitcoin ATM. I’m guessing in addition to confirming I have a cell phone I bet it checks my locality to make sure I’m standing next to the machine, but that’s just a guess.

Anyways, I didn’t go any further than that. The Bitcoin ATM is similar to the one pictured above however the one in the corner store had Blue Highlights, instead of red.

Now it makes complete sense why we’ve been seeing such a bull run on Bitcoin lately. Complete sense.

I initially was interested to find out if any other altcoins other than Bitcoin were being served by this Bitcoin ATM but as mentioned above I didn’t go any further than just a quick look. Things are looking good in the altcoin world at the moment.

Anyways, that’s all I really have to say about that. If you’d like to know which corner store I saw the machine in it was the one across the street from Providence Park, the soccer stadium. I went online to try and get the exact address but had some difficulty in locating the store I went to because apparently these things are all over the city, and owned by different companies. So, if you’d like to see one of these machines yourself, just a do a quick Google search for ‘Bitcoin ATM’ and you’ll find a wealth of spots where these machines are located.

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By editor

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