Being that spooky time of year it’s prime time for indie developers’ and big name studio’s to release gaming frights ripe for the season. Earlier in the month when I decided to go on Steam and check out the available frightful offerings sure enough there were about 20-30 new games that had been released in deference to the upcoming Halloween holiday. Of that initial bevy of games I was able to weed out about 95% of the chaff based on either a type of game I didn’t particularly enjoy, the game was buggy, or the game was equivalent to spam.
However, I was able to find some real gems in that eclectic mix. Butcher’s Creek is a wonderful mini/short form survival horror with that great retro VHS/Playstation aesthetic. A lot of times that particular filter doesn’t really add anything spooks wise but not so for Butcher’s Creek. Not only does the old school grainy aspect fit this title but for me it surely made the environment that much more spookier.
I’ve only completed the first ‘level’ of the game so far and am currently wandering around level ‘2’ of the game to find the exit. The environment’s I’ve encountered so far include an outside forested area, the highly meme’d cabin in the woods, and secret underground killing lair. Moving on to level ‘2’ it seems I’ve stumbled into a logging camp which doubles as body storage. Upon discovering the hidden ‘killing room’ I am attacked from behind and knocked out, only to wake up in a caged and locked box. I’m not sure how ‘mini’ or ‘short’ form the horror that is Butcher’s Creek actually is, but I am hooked. Highly impressive for a game released for free.
Butcher’s Creek is a first person survival horror that will have you looking for keys to open locked doors. Along the way you may discover tools or weapons that will aid in your quest to figure out just what is going on. Additionally there’s a great mechanic which also has you looking for VHS tapes which so far accomplish a couple things. First off, VHS tapes are used to create save states. But finding a VHS tape is not enough for that save. You’ll then need to locate a television where you can play the VHS tape on so you can save your game. Also, there are special, or more difficult, locked doors in the game which require 2 VHS tapes to open. There are also henchmen around which will obviate the need for various tools and weapons you come across in your journey. I find the lead pipe to be workable, though you’ll have your choice of spanners (wrenches), hammers, axes, wooden boards, and god knows what else. Additionally there’s a camera mechanic which has you toting around an old school Polaroid to make note of various situations including large blood smears, human bones, and as I’m still early in the game, I’m sure much more.
Now let me tell you the thing that really hooked me and influenced me the most to give this game more of a chance of me enjoying the game and ultimately completing it (which will happen sometime after this is written as I am actively playing the game at the moment). When you start the game, the following description is given to prepare you for upcoming events:
It came to pass that the celestial ball of sinners grew so large as to block out the very sun, and somehow life went on. Humanity marched forward through all the torments of hell and the schemes of its exiles, and laughed, For no one laughs harder than a sinner in hell.
There is no mirth greater than that of a madman.
And then one such madman was called to the town of Butcher’s Creek… tempted by the promise of depraved videotapes, guided by rumor and instinct alike…
“There is no mirth greater than that of a madman.” I sat and thought about that quote for about a minute and realized how true that might be. Of course I couldn’t know for sure, could I?
If you’re into survival horror, you definitely won’t go wrong with Butcher’s Creek. Give it a try.
Happy Halloween.
There’s also a stamina mechanic, a health mechanic, and as I continue to play the game, so many more unforeseen but welcome things pop up. This is a high quality game given the proper love by it’s developers. I highly recommend Butcher’s Creek.
I have two accounts and somehow I have deeply enough entwined the two such that no I get that issue where the “likes” never load and just show “loading” until I’m logged in a certain way? Usually I have to log them off and then on and sometimes things work properly. But of course I’m working on it, which means it WILL be fixed.
This game was AWESOME!! I finally got to the end of the demo and was so bummed. They ended it abruptly at a place you desperately want to get to! Genius. The game doesn’t actually release till January 2025 and I can’t wait. Gonna go see if I can pre-orderfor a discount or something. So fun.